— Gardening ideas and tips, ranging from apartment to urban to country living. Designed to enhance health and aesthetics.

That's right...this is a homegrown loofah gourd....aka the source of the loofah sponges you buy! You have to strip off the outer layer, let them dry out thoroughly, and shake shake shake out seeds before they are ready to be cut into the familiar sponge size we know

Believe it or not, this is one of the smaller Zucca gourds I had growing. They took off a bit more than I had imagined...I ended up with at least 30 of these massive things.

Nothin' says country like rusty barn and sunflowers! Took this random spot and created a cut flower garden. #sunflowers #zinnias #cutflowers #countrygarden #countryflowers #flowers #bachelorbuttons #teddybearsunflower #bakercreekheirloomseeds
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The Corpse Plant! Just one of several we have growing at the UC Davis Botanical Conservatory. A 6' tall flower structure that smells like a dead body.
Crazy carnation! 'Chomley Farran'
Glass Gem Corn. Too pretty to pop for popcorn.
And it kept growing!!!
My happy place
An assortment of melons from my garden.
Ferocactus pilosus
Leucocoryne vittata, Chilean bulb
Watermelon radish...too pretty to eat...well almost.
Purple radishes straight from the soil
Can't beat Hollyhocks in their prime.

Make Tea for your garden!

I work with some of the rarest Carnivorous plants there are. This Nepenthes is emitting some of its digestive juices on me!
Tillandsia cyanea...a member of the Bromeliad family.

Me with an assortment of giant Zucca gourds, huge pumpkins and variety of ornamental squash.
Stapelia.... a fly pollinated flower...yep it smells like a dead rat
A very rare Welwitschia plant. This specimen is from 1968. In Namibia where they are native to they estimate they can be as old as 4,000 years old. AND they never drop their leaves.

'Sally Holmes' rose doing her thing in my previous garden.

Me with Ted the Titan

According to @bakercreekseeds these can grow up to 100lbs but in their native land closer to 15lbs. Mine are not quite there! Sakurajima Giant Radish. #sakurajima #sakurajimagiantradish #radish #radishes #giantradish #veggies #winterveggies #gardening #growyourown #bakercreekheirloomseeds
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